lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2016

"Adidas Predator"

Arqueólogos ingleses han encontrado una sandalia romana de cuero de hace dos mil años en muy
buen estado. Hallada en una zanja junto al muro de Adriano en las
excavaciones de la fortaleza romana de Vindolanda cerca de Hexham,
Northumberland. Los expertos destacan el parecido a la famosa bota de
fútbol de David Beckham "Adidas Predator".

Roman shoe that resembles an Adidas Predator football boot
Roman shoe that resembles an Adidas Predator football boot Credit: Paul Kingston/NNP

A beautifully preserved Roman leather shoe that remsembles a modern day Predator football boot made by Adidas
A beautifully preserved Roman leather shoe that remsembles a modern day Predator football boot made by Adidas Credit:  Paul Kingston/NNP

Vindolanda Trust Curator Barbara Birley holding the leather shoe by the dig site at Vindolanda Roman Fort near Hadrian's Wall
Vindolanda Trust Curator Barbara Birley holding the leather shoe by the dig site at Vindolanda Roman Fort near Hadrian's Wall Credit: Paul Kingston/NNP